
Wednesday, 12 March 2014

March 11, 2014

Hello Parents!

Let me introduce you to Tim and Tim!  These guys are our class stuffies that will be coming home with each child for a few days.  They come with a book to read and a travel journal.  If you have time, you can write as much or as little in the journal about Tim's adventures for the few days he stays with you.  Encourage your child to draw a detailed picture and as much writing as possible.  You can also include some adult writing for your child to tell all the details you wish to share.  You are welcome to be as creative as you wish with Tim!

This week we are working on the marvelous letter 'Mm'!  We have had some fun with moustaches, marching, and magic!  We have made a magnificent list of /m/ sounding words in our class.  Can you find any more at home?

We have also read the book How Full is your Bucket? The children realized that filling a bucket is like our Pillar of Care for Others.  We have brainstormed some fantastic ideas of how we take care of others, and created a bulletin board display of all of our ideas.  Next time you're at the school, come take a peak.  We have a lot of unique and interesting ways that we take care of others.

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